Friday, June 18, 2010

Rainy Days and Monday

Pehh, that's my new term for days when it rains here at work. When it rains, everyone and their mother is calling in about the weather and if the game was 2 hours before game time. Unless its a hurricane or something they don't call the game unless absolutely necessary and like 5 minutes before First Pitch. It drives me up a wall but I can understand especially if they're traveling from out of county. Actually, today the phone hasn't been lighting up all that much, which is surprising. I'll still probably stick around a little on the later side just in case there are those last minute stragglers, but game time is in a few minutes. So huge sigh of relief!

I don't usually like to sit around and twiddle my thumbs for Monday but I feel like that's what I'm doing. Granted its only a few more days away but I've that "highschool jitters" feeling when it comes to seeing Sam. I think we're both being desperate and lame. Of course with him being a cop, he works like 12 hour shifts and 5 or 6 day stretches. So pretty much our relationship consists of texting back and forth. Its okay, but the delays between messages kill me, but I know its because he's busy on a call.

If anyone can find Monday before it gets here please pass it along my way. Thanks

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