Sunday, April 10, 2011

A possible change of pace

Sam may be changing over to the early shift 4pm-3am, which is the shift he was hoping for when the 6 month change-over occured. This just coming after saying they may move his patrol zone back to the Northend. Again where he was before the change-over. Not sure if I'll be happy about being woken at 2:30 to let me know he's home but lately I have been going to bed much later so it'd be okay.

Also he's working out more intensely and I'm loving the fruits of that labor. His upper body is getting back its definition and I love every minute of feeling those arms keeping me close and safe. Not only is working out to look fabulous, he's thinking of trying out for SWAT. Hopefully, no physical incidences with possible perps will happen just before he gets the chance.

I'm rooting for you love.

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