Friday, July 22, 2011

Simple Machines

Sam and I are getting ready to go on another gruelling bike ride through the neighborhood. We just bought me a bike yesterday and I made the mistake of agreeing to go with him on a 5mile ride in the middle of the day. He's had his bike for I guess a month now and goes on 5 and 10mile rides just about everyday when he's not working...which means for the next eight days while he's off waiting to switch shifts he'll be on a bike ride, but not necessarily with me. We did about 4 and a half miles yesterday and I thought I was going to die.
My oh-so-glamorous look from yesterday after yesterday! He got me an ice pack to help cool me down.

We just got back from our ride of 2.8 miles. Shorter than he wanted only because some dark rain clouds chased back to the house. My blessing in disguise *laughs* Though I don't nearly as bad as yesterday so that's good. We'll probably go again Saturday when I'm back again.

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