Saturday, July 9, 2011

Hero of the week

I think what Officer David Sedmak did was an act heroism. He did what any officer should have done, respond to an officer down call over the radio, which he heard over his scanner on May 7. Did he get a congratulations or a job well done? No, he was fired from his position "for dereliction of duty." I don't have any other specifics other than the article presented: Cop Fired for Responding to Officer Down Call

The article says that he failed to alert dispatch of his whereabouts when he responded to the officer down call. But I don't think termination was called for. I don't think what his employer made the right call on that and there are too many unknowns the article doesn't delve into. Its just a sad day when you get punished for wanting to the right thing and help someone in a dangerous situation.

I applaud what Officer Sedmak did for his fellow officers.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree, the termination seems a little harsh for the wrong committed.