Monday, May 21, 2012

Get down with the sickness

Decided to catch up on the local news. You'd think by living with a cop and watching all kinds of crime shows I would be up-to-date on the latest hoaxes and what not. Well I definitely just got an education.

Have you heard of this phenomenon 'swatting'? Not sure if this is some new thing that's been thought up to waste manpower but this is the article I read: 'Swatting' prank in Palm City feigns violence. I thought 'swatting' would be explained in the opening of the article and not at the end. It's disturbing to say the least. So "swatting" according to the article is a 'prank in which those experienced in computer hacking will utilize hacked lines and Internet connections to initiate a SWAT response from law enforcement by reporting violent and heinous in-progress incidents."

I couldn't begin to imagine what's going on through an officer's mind when he/she gets dispatched to a call like this.

I can't dwell on this subject anymore.

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